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The Poverty Code

Do you find yourself wanting more out of this life, perhaps because you don’t have enough in this life? When you hear the word “ABUNDANCE” or “PROSPERITY”, What immediately comes to mind? Is it?...Money, Fulfilling Relationships, A Lovely House to live in, Peace of Mind, A Career that you enjoy, Better Health? It may be all or none of those things. It may mean something else to you. But if you want to be more, have more, do more, attain more abundance and prosperity into your life, no matter how you define them, read on....

Right Now you are one of the 99% being given the opportunity to change their life. If you are struggling mentally, spiritually, financially, physically and or emotionally then read on because my message is going to change your life. First imagine your life completely different from today. Imagine having everything you ever wanted. Can you see it? How does it feel? Do you have any struggles, worries or pains? Life is great isn’t it? Now you have the power to do more, have more and be more but first you need to crack your poverty code. Yes, your poverty code. The poverty code is the reason why 99% of the people in the world struggle and the 1% lives the high life. The poverty code is what is keeping all the scarcity, violence and destruction in the world going. Until people identify and crack their own poverty codes they will always needlessly suffer mentally, spiritually, financially, physically and emotionally. Struggling with debt? You haven’t cracked your poverty code. Struggling to find true happiness? You need to crack your poverty code.  Struggling looking for unconditional love? You need to crack your poverty code. Struggling with weight? You need to crack your poverty code. Any and every aspect of struggle, worry, doubt or fear is rooted in your poverty code. What is the poverty code? The poverty code is a disease. It is a mental disease that has ravished the world and we are all victims of this disease. This disease has been passed from generation to generation and person to person. Who passes this disease? Family, friends, teachers, leaders, culture and society. Some cure themselves from this disease by cracking their own poverty codes and live very successful lives while many others live a life of struggle, stress, worry, doubt and fear. The poverty code is what is keeping you trapped, blinded, and enslaved. Who you are, why you are here, and what your purpose is remains beyond your reach because of your poverty code. It is now time for you to break free and know Who YOU are, Why YOU are here and What is YOUR Purpose! How? Cracking your poverty code! You want to be more, do more and have more right? The only way you will ever accomplish your truth seeking journey is to crack the poverty code. The poverty code has been taught to us all from birth. It has been around longer than modern man himself. The poverty code is the DNA of the seven deadly sins: Greed, Sloth, Envy, Lust, Pride, Gluttony, and Wrath. You live and breathe the poverty code everyday.

The poverty code is like the dark side of the universe that no one wants to talk about because it more lucrative and profitable to sell people a fantasy. Who wants to sell poverty? If you’ve ever bought or used Self help/improvement products, Emotional Freedom Techniques, The Law of Attraction, Affirmations, Positive thinking, Creative Visualization, Self-Hypnosis, Brain Beat technology, Subliminal Messages, Meditation, Mantras, Astrology, Chakra clearing rituals, Widely used E-books, cd’s, dvds, seminars, workshops Or any other programs or techniques, even prayer, that was supposed to help you find your purpose in life and/or create or manifest the life you were destined to live, did they work? Are you living the life you really want? Many of the gurus, experts and even pastors are you using the poverty code to keep you trapped in an illusion believing you are saving yourself and being freed. How much more powerful and successful do think you would really be if you were to crack your own poverty code. As great, as all of these products, processes, and systems might be, truth is they either take too long to create results and/or completely miss the mark.

Now again have any of these products created or increased your abundance greatly or are you living the life you want through these efforts? Are you Being more? Do you have more? Are you doing more?

If you are not getting the results you want, it is simply because these so-called experts don’t know what they are doing or you are being lied to because they don’t know or understand your poverty code. Do you know or understand your poverty code? Right now you may be thinking to yourself, I’m not poor or in poverty but that clearly boils down to what your definition of what being poor or in poverty is. Do you sometimes struggle or worry about your bills, debt, your health, your relationships or even your mental state sometimes? That would be your poverty code operating in the back of your mind. The poverty code is one of six terrible tricks. It will have you chasing any and every possible thing you think is a solution to your problems or situation just to draw you in and keep you trapped. And to help with this process it uses your family, your friends, your neighbors, your teachers, your leaders, society and even your cultural experiences. How? By reflecting back at you -- just like a mirror that reflects a false sense of you – the trick that nothing is amiss. You are living in a mental, spiritual, financial and emotional prison -- a fantasy of sorts -- and don’t even realize it. You think, maybe even feel, you are free. Truth is until you crack your own poverty code you will never really be free. You will only keep chasing solutions that you think will help you escape, like an addict chasing her or his next fix. Until you crack your own poverty code, you will never be free and you will continue to live a life of illusionary happiness and false hope and you will pass from this this life living a big lie! Worse, you will not be remembered for anything because you didn’t accomplish anything worth remembering. 

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